JLF is a 10-week experiential, conversational seminar for students looking to deepen their understanding of Judaism on their own terms. The program was developed at the Bronfman Center for Jewish Student Life at NYU in 2007 and has since—as of this publish date in Fall 2017—graduated over 2,500 fellows. JLF provides a social and educational basis for communal involvement. That is, we are interested in intentionally weaving thicker “social fabric” among our fellows over the course of 10 weeks while they engage in deep Jewish learning. Oberlin Hillel offers a multitude of JLF courses throughout the year, including Life’s Big Questions, Sex, Love, and Romance, and Pursuing Justice. Participants are given a stipend for their participation.
More information about JLF, please contact Springboard Fellow Yaffa (ymuhlbaum@clevelandhillel.org).